Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

summer internship poster view~~~

Before the Career fair. We have a pre-meeting with employers.
there is my poster for my summer intern and also we enjoyed delicious food~~~

The Career Fair is one of the most exciting events on-campus here.We have it every semester. The Business Career Fair is a one-day event where numerous employers provide information about job and internship opportunities with their companies. Each employer have a display table,so we can just come up talk to them face to face and get information and also hand in our resume.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

new book-Presentation zen

Presentation zen

new book about slide design, web design,design principles.

something really interesting.

Lessons for your creative life

1. Empty space is as important as the positive elements. Learn to see space. Learn to create space.

2. Space allows other elements to “breath," to move, and connect — with each other and the viewer.

3. Empty space is a powerful amplifier, helping to create a whole that is more engaging than the sum of individual parts.

4. Suggestion and subtly in design engages the viewer, allowing her to complete the uncompleted.

5. Arrangements (designs) should stimulate the imagination of the viewer.

6. In formality there exists creativity and freedom of expression. No structure, no freedom.

7. In simplicity there exists clarity, beauty, and meaning.

8. Asymmetrical balance is natural, dynamic, and engaging.

9. For the designer (or artist), focus, calm, vision, and gentleness of spirit are more important qualities than raw enthusiasm. Slow down your busy mind.

10. Careful arrangement of the elements based on solid principles creates beauty and engagement without decoration.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

new blog for the other half of the world

School started for over a week now. Crazily busy so far.

Due to some political issue and event happened in China, Google Blogger and other major website,has been temporarily blocked by my dear government.
So I have to start a new blog for viewer from china.

here is the link:

Sunday, June 14, 2009


某网站于2006年3月至6月开展了 MBA职业规划的调查,据统计,参与本次调查的MBA共计290人,最终回收有效调查问卷280份,其中男性占61.5%,女性占38.5%。参加调查的 MBA的 window.google_render_ad();年龄集中在22岁至35岁之间,这一年龄段在我国是MBA主要从业人群。

   选择在职班的形式来攻读MBA的被调查者占58.4%,一方面因为这样的学习方式不会影响工作,另一方面也说明MBA这个职业对经验的要求较高。在选择 国内高校自办的MBA进修班这一点上,近80%的被调查者达成了共识,因为国内高校提供的进修机会更多一些,而且攻读学位的费用也略低一些。

   在攻读MBA的 目的上,47.1%的被调查者是为了进一步提高管理能力、充电,也有接近30%的人是为了得到硕士学位或者能够向经营类工作转型。被调查者中正处于学习的 适应阶段的人数最多,占39.9%,其次是已经毕业的占25.8%,步入正轨和即将毕业的都只占少数,其比例分别为18.9%和15.5%。

   虽然问及职业发展规划的重要性时,59.1%的被调查者认为非常重要,职业规划是否科学将影响其以后整个职业生涯的成败。但是,仍然有48.1%的被调 查者还不是很明确攻读MBA之后该如何发展自己的职业生涯,可能的原因在于很多人在决定攻读MBA时还不是很明确其真正的内涵和意义。只有28.2%的被 调查者有清晰的职业生涯规划,而23.7%被调查者甚至没有任何职业规划。此外,当问到“目前学校的就业指导机构是否有能力为您提供专业的职业规划指导” 时,90%左右的被调查者表示怀疑或者认为没有。
关于“如果让您选择,您倾向于依靠哪种方法帮助自己做出科学的职业发展规划”问题,最受欢迎的选 项是“与知名企业的HR和中高层管理者交流,了解最新的行业动态和用人趋势”,61.2%的被调查者都选择了 window.google_render_ad();该 项;其次是“接受职业规划顾问的辅导,明确未来几年的职业发展方向”和“对兴趣行业的同学和校友组成社团,加强沟通和信息共享,为职业发展建立人脉”两 项,其比例分别是49.1%和48.1%;“参加学校就业指导中心举办的各种讲座,获取求职的实用技巧”只得到了16.2%的被调查者的选择。此外,关于 “借助职业发展规划,最希望得到哪些帮助?”问题,大多数人希望找到一条最适合自己的职业发展道路,占总人数的71.1%;而希望挖掘自身的职业兴趣和个 性特点的占12.4%;希望获得一份满意的工作的占8.2%;希望了解所在行业大发展前景的占4.8%。


   问及“如果开设MBA职 业发展规划的栏目,希望采取哪种方式?”时,接近60%的人选择咨询专栏,希望能够邀请HR或者经理人提供专业的咨询和问题解答;其次54%的人选专题栏 目,希望介绍一些职业发展规划的案例和技巧;排在第三位的是讨论社区,让同一行业感兴趣的人可以互相交流;41.6%的人希望是测评问卷的形式,明确自己 个性和职业兴趣。

  本次调查的结果表明,如何帮助MBA进行合理的职业规划,已经显得越来越重要。高校就业指导中心提供的MBA职 业辅导具有全程性优势,能够让学生了解他们自己的个性,他们的职业特质,但缺乏专业性和广泛性。而职业辅导顾问虽然具有很强的专业性,但又缺少跟进的职位 推荐和行业分析。相比之下,专业的猎头公司因其独特的行业优势和服务优势,如果能够寻找一种合适的职业辅导模式,将可以弥补其他两种方式的缺陷。

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

my Florida trip part 1

Right after final, my husband and I went to Florida. It was a 3-week vacation,more like a honeymoon.
Here is the first stop,Pensacola
the comdo where we stayed

white sand beach

few people there it's private

outside swimming pool
